Made in Amérique Latine

Our Ethical Charter

  /  Notre Charte Éthique

Ethical Charter

Hamac del Sol, fervent défenseur du commerce équitable, met en avant une charte éthique comme socle fondamental de ses principes. Cette charte, rigoureusement appliquée, guide nos actions pour promouvoir activement le développement durable sous ses facettes environnementales, économiques et sociales.

Notre charte éthique, élaborée avec soin, se décline en cinq axes majeurs. Chaque engagement est une pierre angulaire de notre approche, de la conception de tous nos hamacs tissés à la main, à notre interaction avec les communautés locales.

Cette charte éthique renforce notre engagement en faveur de normes élevées de durabilité et de responsabilité sociale. Elle préconise des pratiques de fabrication respectueuses de l’environnement, un soutien actif aux communautés locales, une rémunération équitable pour les artisans, la valorisation du coton recyclé, et la création d’espaces de travail sûrs et éthiques.

Au cœur de Hamac del Sol, cette charte éthique trace la voie vers une consommation éclairée et responsable. Rejoignez notre mouvement et participez à la concrétisation de notre charte éthique à travers chaque acquisition.

  • Manufacturing of hammocks directly from Latin America


    The history of the hammock begins almost 1000 years ago in the Latin American continent, which takes us to the origin of the hammocks to the indigenous peoples.

    Admired and considered by these peoples as "a gift from the gods", we offer exclusively hammocks made in Latin America.

    The testimony that the elders transmit about this productive culture is important, they testify of the creativity and the pride of this handicraft work.

  • Environmentally friendly manufacturing process

    "We care about the environment

    All our hammocks are made on looms produced in a totally ecological process, without using electric energy, with biodegradable materials.

    The use of natural dyes and environmentally friendly practices (recycled cotton does not use any pesticides and requires very little water)

    Our Hammocks are made in an environmentally friendly way without harming the environment. You need a wheel to twist the wire; no power supply throughout the manufacturing process, except for the aluminum around the rings which is melted in the oven.

    The cotton and wood in our hammocks biodegrade naturally and the aluminum is easy to recycle.

  • 100% handcrafted high quality process

    "Respect and quality of the product

    Notre volonté est de mettre au premier plan le respect du savoir-faire des artisans. Hamac del sol propose des hamacs traditionnels de luxe fabriqués en atelier (Hamac du Nicaragua et Hamac de Colombie) ou chez l’habitant (Hamac Mexicains).

    Each hammock is handmade, in order to preserve the traditional handcrafted technique passed down from generation to generation.

    The time needed to make a hammock is 5 to 15 working days. 5 to 7 people may be needed to make one hammock.

    "Quality control

    The raw material is the key to the quality of the hammocks. The quality control of each hammock begins at the beginning of the manufacturing process. It starts with the selection of the raw material, then the best use of the dye to ensure the right dyeing, until its finalization.

    For our Colombian Hammocks for example, the cotton thread is cultivated directly by farmers in the region, its natural color is raw or beige and dyed with natural dyes (vegetable).

    For several reasons, it is difficult today to have an organic certification of cotton in these countries. However, we accompany our suppliers in this process.

  • Fair trade

    "Small producers make the best hammocks

    All the production of our hammocks in Colombia, Mexico and Nicaragua is as fair as possible. We pay particular attention to the working conditions of the artisans in the choice of our suppliers.

    We buy our products at a fair price and work closely with each country. Thus, we guarantee good working conditions for the artisans and a fair redistribution of the prices.

    We are also attentive to the emancipation of women through equal wages, as well as the schooling of the children of artisans.

    In the making of our Hammocks, the work of rural communities is strongly involved. For our Nicaraguan Hammocks, for example, there is a strong influence of women's work in the making of the bangs, fabrics and decorative details. Men's participation is in the elaboration of the body, the arms and the assembly of the Hammock.

    Our action contributes to the prosperity of these developing regions with a specific social commitment to our suppliers:

    Colombia: we have a commitment to solidarity, our work allows us to create jobs for mothers and people affected by the armed conflict.

    Nicaragua: A common will in the near future to create a development action to support the school education of the children of the artisans and rural communities of the city. More information will be available soon.

    Mexico: We work with a small family community of artisans, who have handed down this craft from generation to generation. Our commitment is mainly in social assistance with food pantries for those in need.

  • Controlling and reducing environmental impacts

    Hammock del Sol is committed to an active approach to the environment and accompanies our suppliers in an ecological development for all products.

    C’est pourquoi nos Hamacs de luxe du Nicaragua sont 100% coton recyclé. Le recyclage de cette fibre naturelle est un enjeu majeur pour l’avenir puisqu’il permet de recréer du tissu et des vêtements sans nécessiter la reproduction de matière première. Chez Hamac del Sol, nous considérons le coton recyclé comme une fibre d’avenir grâce à son bilan écologique bien plus faible que le coton standard.

    In Colombia, small independent producers in the San Jacinto region, Bolivar, grow and harvest the cotton. The ecological impact is immediate in the transport of the raw material since our Colombian Hammocks are made in this region.