Made in Amérique Latine

Specialist in luxury hammocks - Hamac Del Sol

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Histoire, culture et bienfaits des hamacs à travers le monde

Lutilisation des hamacs dans le monde

Les hamacs sont utilisés dans de nombreux pays à travers le monde pour des raisons pratiques ou culturelles. De façon générale, l’utilisation du hamac dans le monde est un lit de repos populaire consacré à la détente. Bien qu’il soit souvent associé aux tropiques, l’utilisation des hamacs est répandue dans de nombreux pays du monde, y compris en Afrique, en Europe et en France.
Coté santé, Il est également observé un accroissement de son utilisation par les thérapeutes et ergothérapeutes en raison de ses nombreux points positifs améliorant significativement la mobilité et la coordination des patients dans le cadre de thérapies comportementales. Voir notre article : le hamac et la méthode Padovan

Le hamac en Amérique latine

The use of hammocks in Latin America dates back centuries, with archaeological evidence suggesting that the Mayans used hammocks for sleeping and resting to avoid insects and moisture. Today, hammocks are still popular in many Latin American countries, including Mexico, Colombia and Brazil.

In Mexico, the hammock is very popular since it originated in the Mayan culture where it was used for different rituals such as weddings, births and funerals. Very popular, the Mexican hammock is used to rest after lunch or to sleep at night inside or outside the house.
In most Central American countries: Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Costa Rica, as well as in South America: Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador, the hammock has always been intended for the rural and popular population.

However, in large cities, such as Medellin in Colombia, there are more and more hammocks on the balconies of apartments. They are used to rest but also as a decorative accessory. They also become external signs of wealth (with some luxurious hammocks) and are put forward in the terraces or balconies.


Use of the world hammock

Colombian hammock installed on an apartment balcony

Le hamac en Asie

The use of hammocks in the world and especially in Asia, is mainly used for relaxation and meditation. They can be used as extra beds or to rest outside. They are particularly popular in Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand and Vietnam where they are mainly used for relaxing and reading especially in rural areas.


Use of the world hammock

Vietnamese hammock


A village house made of wood and sheet metal in Vietnam


Au Vietnam, les hamacs sont souvent utilisés comme lits d’appoint pour les invités. Les hamacs vietnamiens sont généralement plus simples que les hamacs thaïlandais. Ils sont fabriqués à partir de fibres de coton ou de lin.

In Japan, there are several hammock cafes. One of the most famous is in Tokyo. Inside, there are hammocks and chair hammocks. It is also a showroom for the sale of hammocks.


Use of the world hammock

Located near Akihabara in Tokyo, this café offers you to use tablets at your disposal while enjoying the hammocks.

Le hamac en Afrique

In Africa, hammocks are used for sleeping and resting. They are very popular in the hot regions of the continent, where it is difficult to sleep in traditional beds. In Africa, hammocks are also used in villages and refugee camps to save space.

In this continent, hammocks are used by nomads and indigenous people. Hammocks are made from natural materials such as palm leaves and cotton fibers. They are used for sleeping and resting while traveling in the vast desert areas. In cities, hammocks are popular with the working poor who cannot afford a traditional bed.

The use of hammocks in the world, as in Benin, is above all a "matter of know-how". In this country, we can regularly see weavers working on manual looms. They use fabrics often colored sewn on a canvas. It is possible to find in Africa very beautiful pieces but most of the products proposed are rather simple and basic.


Use of the world hammock

Example of a high quality African hammock


Before the colonial conquest, the hammock was the official car in the coastal kingdoms. A privilege that was reserved for kings, princes, chiefs and foreign guests of the court


Use of the world hammock

Use of the world hammock

Les dames européennes a la promenade du soir en hamac aux environs de ouidah (Bas-Dahomey)


Use of the world hammock

Statuette in monoxyl iroko wood, polychrome, representing a colony administrator carried in a hammock. This sculpture is attributed to the Yoruba population (Nigeria)

Le hamac en Europe

The widespread use of hammocks in Europe began in the 17th century with the introduction of these objects in the European navy. For centuries, sailors used hammocks to sleep or rest on board ship. The hammock was practical because it allowed sailors to sleep comfortably while saving valuable space on board.


Use of the world hammock

Use of the world hammock


Nowadays, hammocks are used in 3 different ways:

In relaxation mode

Associated with vacations, hammocks are used in gardens, balconies and parks to relax and enjoy the nice weather. Unfortunately, there are many industrial hammocks made in India or made in China. Made from synthetic materials such as polyester, the cheap price is often synonymous with poor quality. After a summer, the hammock becomes deformed and uncomfortable. Below, you can see the difference in shape and color between an industrial hammock and a handmade hammock woven in Latin America.

Use of the world hammock

Hamac industriel Chinois


Use of the world hammock

Hamac artisanal Mexicain

En mode randonnée

Hammocks are also used for camping and outdoor activities. These parachute hammocks are very light and easy to carry. They are ideal for hikers and campers. Its ease of installation and the fact that it can escape the humidity of the ground and insects, makes it a more practical object than the "famous" tent.


Parachute hammock in nature camping mode

 In "fun" decorating mode

We find more and more hammocks or chair hammocks used as a lifestyle accessory. A decorative object that combines the spirit of relaxation with an elegant and sophisticated look. High-end hammocks are making their appearance in the 2020s. Indeed, come more and more to decorate lofts, cottages and other stylish interiors. They are also found in gardens and balconies and high-end residences.

In France, hammocks are becoming more and more popular and are often installed on a metal or wooden support. Hammocks are also used for napping in the middle of the day. Moreover an IFOP study, confirms it well, 38% French people who have a garden declare that their favorite activity is lazing around.


Use of the world hammock

Example of boho/chic decoration of a client.


Overall, the use of hammocks around the world varies considerably depending on the culture of the country and the professional social categories.
In conclusion, hammocks are a universal resting bed that transcends cultural and social boundaries. They offer a unique relaxation experience to all those who use them.

Indispensables, décoratifs, utiles, relaxants ou culturels, ce n’est pas demain que le plus vieux meuble d’Amérique latine disparaitra de nos mode de vie. A lire aussi : Les hamacs dans les prisons : une solution à la surpopulation carcérale ?

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